城大生物醫學工程學士課程 跨學科培訓 重實踐應用
October 28, 2019
科技發展一日千里,在醫療層面的應用愈來愈廣泛和普及,細小如心臟起搏器,大至手術機械人和身體檢測儀器,箇中結構精密複雜。這些醫療科技器材的設計開發、維修及檢測,皆需要不同範疇的專家,而生物醫學工程師在當中更是扮演重要的角色。香港城市大學(城大)生物醫學工程學系開辦的「工學士(生物醫學工程)」課程透過跨學科的培訓,培養學生成為生物醫學工程專才。因應大數據與人工智能的興起,課程近年特別加入相關的科目,教導學生最新的知識。 生物醫學工程是一門新興的學科,專門探討如何利用工程手段組建各式各樣醫療器材硬件或軟件以促進人類的身體健康。這門學科涵蓋範圍廣闊,當中包含生命科學,亦有工程學的元素。社會人口持續高齡化,對醫療服務的需求不斷提高,醫護積極利用先進科技提升醫療的水平和質素,生物醫學工程因而愈來愈備受重視
HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College SSSDP
September 11, 2019
As announced in the 2018 Policy Address, the Government has expanded the coverage of the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) to the self-financed sub-degree programmes in selected disciplines from 2019-20 academic year. Local students enroll and being offered the subsidised places on some programmes offered by HPSHCC will pay a reduced tuition fee net of subsidy.
Higher Diploma in Nursing Programme By Hospital Authority
June 23, 2019
The programme aims to prepare students to become competent, caring and professional nurses who are able to understand the holistic nature of health, apply principles of nursing and demonstrate proficiency in caring for clients in primary, secondary and tertiary level of the health care settings. On successful completion of the programme, graduates are eligible to apply for registration as Registered Nurse (General) under the Nursing Council of Hong Kong.
Application period: 24 June 2019 - 12 July 2019.
Telephone enquiry hotlines: 2300 6300 / 2300 6400 / 2300 6500
(Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, except on public holidays)
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